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ETS Certification

What is INCI and why is it important?

INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) - is the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients. It is used for the standardized labeling of cosmetic ingredients on labels worldwide.

International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients

Why is INCI important?

  • For cosmetic manufacturers: INCI helps them to clearly and understandably describe the composition of their products, which makes information about them available to consumers from any country.

  • For technologists: INCI gives them the opportunity to understand the composition of cosmetics and choose the right ingredients for their recipes.

  • For consumers: INCI helps them make informed choices about cosmetics because thanks to this system they can:

  • Find out about all the ingredients that are included in the product.

  • Understand which ingredients are beneficial and which can be harmful.

  • Avoid allergens and other ingredients that can cause irritation.

  • Choose cosmetics that meet their needs and skin type.

What can be found in INCI?

INCI is a list of ingredients arranged in descending order of concentration. Each ingredient has its own Latin name. For example, Aqua is water, Glycerin is glycerin, and Shea Butter is shea butter.

Some ingredients may have multiple names. For example, Parfum (fragrance) can also be called Fragrance.

How to understand INCI?

There are many resources available to help you understand INCI. For example, you can:

  • Use online INCI translators.

  • Download mobile apps like INCI Beauty.

  • Ask a consultant in a cosmetics store.

INCI Beauty app

INCI Beauty is a mobile application that will help you easily and quickly understand the composition of cosmetics. The app has the following features:

  • Scanning the barcode of a cosmetic product.

  • Getting detailed information about all the ingredients that are included in the product.

  • Searching for cosmetics by specific ingredients.

  • Creating a list of favorite products.

  • Receiving notifications about harmful ingredients.

The INCI Beauty app is an essential tool for anyone who wants to know what is actually included in the cosmetics they use.


INCI is an important tool that helps manufacturers, technologists and consumers communicate in the same language. Thanks to INCI, we can make an informed choice of cosmetics that will be safe and beneficial for us.

We recommend that you use INCI when choosing cosmetics, and also download the INCI Beauty application to always have all the necessary information about the composition of cosmetic products.

INCI Beaty
INCI Beaty Pro

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