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Terms of the "Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection" were developed on October 27, 2020.




Section I. General provisions

  1. WEB site  belongs to the right of ownership  LLC "Eurotechstandard" (hereinafter the Company), USREOU code 39660859.

Legal address: st. Chornovola, 41, Vyshneve, Ukraine, 08132.

All intellectual property rights contained on the Site, except as otherwise stated, are the property of the Company.

2.      This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter - the Privacy Policy) is valid only within the specified site and does not apply to third party websites.

3.      This Privacy Policy is a set of legal, administrative, organizational, technical and other measures taken by the Company to ensure the confidentiality and protection of personal data of individuals - consumers who are users.  Site, except when such information is personally and knowingly disclosed by the consumer - the user of the Site.

4.      The purpose of implementing the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy is to prevent public access and disclosure of information held by the consumer.

5.      The Company takes all possible measures to ensure the implementation of the measures provided for in this section of the Privacy Policy.

Section II. Access to personal data

1.      In order to implement the functions and tasks of the Site and other purposes related to civil law relations between the Company and the consumer, the consumer, using this Site and the services for which the Site is created, gives the Company permission to collect, accumulate, process, store and use (including with the use of automated means)  personal data of which he is the owner.

1.1.   In order to implement the functions and tasks of the Site and other purposes related to civil law relations between the Company and the consumer, the consumer, using this Site and the services for which the Site is created, gives the Company permission to transfer personal data to third parties.

2.      Consumer consent provided to the Company for collection, processing, storage and use (including using automated means)  personal data and their transfer to third parties is made by affixing a mark to the consumer on the granting of permission for the collection, accumulation, processing, storage and use of their personal data.

3.      The consumer gives permission to the Company for personal data, for the collection, accumulation, processing, storage and use of which (including with the use of automated means)  include:

1.      Full Name;

2.      place of registration;

3.      sex;

4.      place of residence;

5.       information about marital status;

6.      date and place of birth  consumer;

7.      numbers of means of communication (telephone, e-mail, etc.);

8.      information on geographical location;

9.      information on banking and other financial transactions;

10. Information about your computer, including your IP address, geographic location, browser type and version, and operating system;

  1. Information about your visits and use of this website, including referral sources, length of visits, pages viewed and ways to navigate the site;

  2. Information generated by the use of our website, including information about the time, frequency and conditions of its use;

  3. Information contained in any messages you send us by email or through our website, including the content of the message and the metadata.

III. Term and place of storage of Personal Data

1.      Personal data, for the collection, accumulation, processing, storage and use of which the consumer provides access to the Company are stored indefinitely, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of Ukraine or the will of the consumer.

2.      The place of storage of personal data of the consumer is st. Chornovola, 41, Vyshneve, Ukraine, 08132.

3.      The location of the Company is st. Chornovola, 41, Vyshneve, Ukraine, 08132.

IV. Consumer rights

1.      The Consumer, in relation to his own personal data provided for the collection, accumulation, processing, storage and use of the Company has the right to:

1.1.          Know about the sources of collection, the location of their personal data, the purpose of their processing, the location of the Company;

1.2.          Receive information on the conditions for granting access to personal data;

1.3.          To access your personal data;

1.4.          Receive information regarding whether his personal data is processed;

1.5.          to present a motivated request of the Company with an objection against the processing of their personal data;

1.6.          make a reasoned request to change or destroy their personal data if this data is processed illegally or is inaccurate;

1.7.          to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, non-provision or untimely provision, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or discredits the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual ;

1.8.          to file complaints about the processing of their personal data to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or to the court;

1.9.          apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on personal data protection;

1.10.        make reservations regarding the restriction of the right to process their personal data during the consent;

1.11.       withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

1.12.       know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;

1.13.       to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him.

V. Disclosure of Confidential Information and Personal Data

  1. The Company is released from the obligation to comply with the Privacy Policy regarding the Personal Data of the consumer in the event that the consumer independently discloses his personal data.

  2. The company has the right to disseminate personal data of the consumer if the information obtained from the personal data is socially necessary, ie is a matter of public interest, and the public's right to know such information outweighs the potential harm from its dissemination.

  3. The company has the right to distribute personal data of the consumer with the corresponding written permission of the consumer, or in cases when:


  • this is required of us by law;

  • in connection with any current or future litigation;

  • in order to establish, exercise or protect our legal rights (including providing information to other parties to prevent fraud or reduce credit risks);

  • to the buyer (or potential buyer) of any business or asset that we sell (or intend to sell).

  1. The personal information you publish on our website, via the Internet, may be available worldwide. We cannot prevent its use, or misuse for criminal purposes, by third parties.



VI. Destruction and deletion of personal data

1.      Personal data, for the collection, accumulation, processing, storage and use of which the consumer provides access to the Company shall be deleted or destroyed in the case of:

-        termination of legal relations between the consumer and the Company;

-        issuance of a relevant instruction of the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada for Human Rights or officials appointed by him to the Secretariat of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada;

-        entry into force of a court decision on the deletion or destruction of personal data.


VII. Protect your personal information

  1. We will take sufficient technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse or forgery of your personal information.

  2. We will store all personal information you provide on our secure (both password and firewall) servers.

  3. All electronic financial transactions made through our site will be protected by data encryption technology.

  4. You acknowledge that the transmission of information over the Internet is essentially insecure, and we cannot guarantee the protection of data transmitted over the World Wide Web.

  5. You are solely responsible for keeping your password for access to our website confidential. We will never ask for your password (unless you are trying to log in to your account on our site).

VIII. Cookies

  1. Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a file that contains an identifier (a ribbon consisting of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and stored by the browser. Subsequently, the ID is sent back to the server each time the browser requests a web page from the server. Cookies can be either "permanent" or "session": the persistent ones will be stored by the browser and will be valid until they expire, unless they are deleted by the user in advance; "Session" on the contrary - will be deleted after the session with the site or after closing the browser. Cookies usually do not contain any information that identifies the user. However, the personal information we hold about you may be related to information stored and received from cookies. We may use both persistent and session cookies on our website.

  1. Blocking all cookies will have a negative effect on the ease of use of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use many features of our website.

  2. You can delete cookies that are already stored on your computer.

  3. Deleting cookies will have a negative effect on the ease of use of many websites.


  IX. Third-party websites

  1. Our website may contain hyperlinks to third-party sites, and details about third-party companies and individuals' websites. We do not have management tools, and we are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of third parties and companies in this area.

X. Changes and amendments

1. We reserve the right to periodically make changes and amendments to these rules, and publish their new version on our website. You should periodically review the privacy policy to make sure you understand the content of the changes to these policies. We may also notify you of changes to these policies by sending an email or through our site's private messaging system.


Questions and contacts

If you have any questions regarding the Company's Privacy Policy, please contact us:


Postal address: st. Chornovola, 41, Vyshneve, Ukraine, 08132

If you have any difficulties or think that we have answered your questions or comments in an incorrect way, please contact us.

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