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      Laboratory tests of cosmetic products

   Laboratory tests of cosmetic products it is an indispensable process in the production chain, without which products cannot be put into circulation.  Perfumes and cosmetics are subject to the requirements of state sanitary rules and product safety standards of the perfumery and cosmetics industry (SanPiN).

SanPiN establish hygienic requirements and safety standards for human health. At the same time, safe perfumery and cosmetic products for human health are finished products that do not have a toxic, irritating, sensitizing, photosensitizing, dyschromic or other adverse effect on human health, as well as no or a limited level of contamination by pathogenic, conditionally pathogenic and sanitary indicator microorganisms under the conditions of use according to the purpose during the warranty period of storage.

In addition, from August 3, 2024, the "Technical Regulation on Cosmetic Products" will enter into force in Ukraine, which establishes requirements for cosmetic products available on the market in order to ensure a high level of human health protection.

Appendix 1 to the Technical Regulation on cosmetic products "Report on the safety of a cosmetic product" defines the information that should be contained in it, namely:

  • Physico-chemical characteristics of a cosmetic product.

  • Stability of the cosmetic product under standard storage conditions.

  • Microbiological characteristics of substances or mixtures and cosmetic products.

  • The results of the test (inspection) of the products regarding canning.

  • Toxicological profile of substances contained in cosmetic products and having corresponding toxicological indicators.

  • Data on the efficacy evaluation of a cosmetic product involving humans or duly validated and substantiated risk assessment results carried out in other relevant fields.

    We offer services for the organization of laboratory tests of cosmetic products.

   Laboratory testing of cosmetics in Ukrainian and European laboratories is at your service.




     For many years, our company has cooperated with various leading laboratories and will help to organize tests according to the highest standards.

The benefits of cooperation with our company




Official European partners

Possible test options

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