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Product certification for the Ukrainian market

Certification of products for sale on the Ukrainian market is carried out. both for batch and for serial production. Food and non-food products, both domestic and foreign, are subject to certification.

Product certification is carried out in order to prevent the sale of products dangerous to life, health and property of citizens and the environment; assisting the consumer in the competent choice of products; creating conditions for the participation of business entities in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade.

Certification is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents specified by the manufacturer.

Certification requires confirmation by a third party  party indicators (characteristics) of products (processes or services) on  based on testing, inspection and evaluation of systems  quality management.

Certification in all cases should include inspection and testing of the product to determine its characteristics.

Certification of imported products and domestic products  production is carried out one by one and  the same procedures.

Declarations of compliance with technical regulations


Assessment of conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulations is carried out in the legislatively regulated sphere on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On Confirmation of Conformity", the Law of Ukraine "On Standards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures".

Conformity assessment is a process that demonstrates that the established requirements for a product, process, service, system, person or body have been met.

Technical regulation - a law of Ukraine or a normative legal act adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which defines the characteristics of products or related processes or methods of production, as well as requirements for services, including relevant provisions, compliance with which is mandatory. It may also contain requirements for terminology, labels, packaging, marking or labeling that apply to a particular product, process or method of production.

Conformity assessment of the requirements of technical regulations is carried out by designated conformity assessment bodies.

Only a citizen of Ukraine can confirm compliance. If the manufacturer is not a citizen of Ukraine, he must enter into an agreement with a resident of Ukraine to agree to carry out the necessary work to confirm compliance.

Product testing


Certification in all cases should include inspection and testing of the product to determine its characteristics.

Tests for certification must be performed  accredited testing laboratories (centers) by methods that  determined by the relevant ND, and in the absence of these documents - methods  determined by the certification bodies or the body that performs it  functions.

Measurement, testing and control are the main methods of assessing the compliance of products with mandatory quantitative and qualitative indicators of standards and (or) specifications, agreements, contracts.

Certification tests - an element of a system of measures aimed at confirming compliance with the actual characteristics of products to national or international requirements of regulatory documentation. Certification tests are usually performed by manufacturer-independent accredited testing laboratories. Based on the test results, a certificate or mark of conformity of the product to the requirements of regulatory documentation is issued.

Development and registration of technical specifications , as well as recipes

Product formulation development is a purely individual procedure that should take into account such aspects as technological capabilities of a particular production, the ability to provide the necessary raw materials, the price niche of the product and its efficiency, legal aspects of safety and environmental friendliness and much more. , which use an individual approach to each customer. 

Development of technical conditions , as a rule, is carried out on one concrete type (brand, type, model, execution) of production or group of homogeneous production which is planned before release and intended for realization.
Group technical conditions are for two or more types of products, which are characterized by a single functional purpose and common scope, design and technological features, nomenclature of key quality indicators, and are classified by one code DKPP.

As a rule, the validity of technical conditions is set no more than 5 years. After the expiration of the 5-year term, their periodic inspections are carried out.
TU are protected by the current legislation of Ukraine as an object of intellectual property, and their use is possible only with the written permission of the owner.

Consultations on product labeling ​


Labeling of non-food products is carried out in accordance with industry standards of Ukraine. The standards set requirements for the labeling of consumer and transport containers and packaging, which are aimed at ensuring safety for life, health and property of the population, environmental protection.

The general requirements determine the content of mandatory information to be applied to the product, determines the peculiarity of the application in the name of the characteristics of the product, which have an advertising character. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the product, expiration dates and specific information, such as certain features of the product.

Important elements of the label will be warnings about safety requirements for storage, use and transportation of products.

The marking of transport packaging in different types of consumer packaging and the need to apply danger signs also have certain features.

Labeling of food products is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine № 2639-VIII "On information for consumers about food products". The main thing is that the new law, which brings Ukrainian legislation in line with the provisions of numerous regulations and directives of the European Union in this area, and aims to ensure the appropriate level of protection of health and interests of consumers, their awareness, providing food information.

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Certification of products for the European Union market ​

All products entering the EU market must be safe and meet the established requirements of the legislation. Product certification has many features, as it is regulated by many regulations, one type of product can be regulated simultaneously by several different regulations. The main standards in the European Union are the New Approach Directives and Harmonized Standards, which are among the highest in the world and, accordingly, impose the most stringent requirements for certified products.

Each application is processed individually depending on the type of product. To begin conformity assessment for the EU, it is necessary to define the directives applicable to a particular product, as well as to define a scheme  conducting an assessment. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that the product is safe and complies with all product directives. In the case of positive test results, the CE conformity mark shall be affixed, indicating the conformity of the product with the established requirements and confirming its safety. In this case, the manufacturer must appoint an authorized representative in the EU who will be able to perform administrative functions, which must be defined in writing,

Conclusion of the State Food and Consumer Services (state sanitary and epidemiological examination)


Conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination (hereinafter the Conclusion of the SEEE)  - an official document certifying that the products meet the sanitary and hygienic requirements, norms and rules and are a permit for the production and use of products in Ukraine.

Non-food products are subject to mandatory state sanitary and hygienic examination with the issuance of the conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological examination of domestic products  and imported products.

Supervision over the observance of the requirements of sanitary norms and rules, conformity of products for safety for health, life of people is carried out by bodies, institutions, establishments of the state sanitary subservice.

Let's highlight the main types of DSEE Conclusions:

  • Conclusion of sanitary-epidemiological examination on technical documentation of TU.

  • Conclusion of sanitary-epidemiological examination of products.

Order SES conclusion

​Metrological assessment, verification and calibration of measuring instruments

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in accordance with Resolution № 374 of June 4, 2015 approved the list of categories of legally regulated measuring instruments that are subject to periodic verification .

The verification procedure is a control of compliance of measuring instruments with the established requirements and, in fact, confirms the suitability of measuring instruments for use in the field of legally regulated metrology.

The procedure for verification of legally regulated measuring instruments in operation and registration of its results was approved by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development №193 of February 8, 2016.

According to the "Procedure for verification of legally regulated measuring equipment in operation and registration of its results" periodic verification is carried out by the executors in accordance with the written request of the applicant.

Certificate of origin ST-1

Certificate of origin form ST-1 (Certificate of origin) is a document of the established form, which is used to confirm the country of origin of goods when exporting to CIS countries. The certificate confirms the country of manufacture of the goods or the sufficiency of its processing.
     The certificate is issued, as a rule, by Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the country-producer of the goods and 3 copies. The certificate is provided to the customs authorities of Ukraine in printed form in Russian.

The validity of the certificate of form ST-1 may not exceed 12 months from the date of its issuance.

A certificate of origin Form "A" is a document issued for goods that are subject to preferential treatment when exported to the markets of donor countries under the Generalized System of Preferences.

Certificate of origin form "EUR.1" - a document issued for goods that are granted preferences in the EU.

At present, certificates of origin of the EUR.1 form are issued for goods of Ukrainian origin to the EU and EFTA countries (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein), Montenegro.

The certificate is issued if it must be presented when imported into the customs territory of the EU and EFTA countries, Montenegro as proof that the goods of Ukrainian origin meet the requirements of the rules for determining preferential origin when applying preferential import duty rates.

The certificate is issued during the export of goods at the place of customs clearance or after the export of goods at the place of customs clearance or at the place of state registration of the exporter. The certificate is valid for 4 months.

The certificate is completed for one consignment of goods, usually in English or one of the languages in which the free trade agreements are concluded.

References and conclusions on the need for certification and conformity assessment


In Ukraine, all imported or manufactured goods undergo a mandatory procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of technical regulations or certification.

Depending on the product and its impact on the environment, the conditions for certification and conformity assessment may differ.

However, there are a number of products that are not specified in the Technical Regulations or in the list of products subject to mandatory certification.

Nevertheless, these goods must have documents proving this. Such a document is a certificate.

The certificate is an official document created specifically to confirm that the product does not belong to the list of mandatory certification and does not fall under the requirements of compliance with technical regulations. Thus, neither a declaration nor a UkrSEPRO certificate is required for the goods.

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