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Registration / notification of cosmetic products in the EU

   Registration/notification of cosmetic products in the EU is a multi-stage process that needs to be prepared in advance. The notification process requires the manufacturer to confirm that the production complies with GMP and that the product meets safety requirements.
By the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products, an authorized person or manufacturer is obliged to notify the CPNP (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal) when placing cosmetic products on the EU market, having assessed the safety of the supplied products.
Under Article 10 of the Regulation, a safety assessment is conducted by a person who holds a diploma or other confirmation of an official qualification awarded after completing a university course of theoretical and practical training in pharmacy, toxicology, medicine, or a similar discipline.
There are many other peculiarities and requirements regarding registration, but we have identified the key ones and provided each manufacturer with a "Roadmap for Registration/Notification of Cosmetics in CPNP".






Eurotechstandard LLC is your reliable partner in registration/notification
of cosmetic products in the European Union
Advantages of cooperation with our company


  • Expertise: Our specialists will provide you with professional expertise and advice throughout the process.

  • Get comprehensive support: We offer a full range of services, including testing, safety assessment, and notification, all powered by experienced European experts and institutions.

  • Efficiency: We implement customized strategies to streamline your registration process, saving you time and resources.

 Unlock the EU market for your cosmetics: Eurotechnstandard's comprehensive compliance and notification services help you reach ideal partners and sell to any EU country, giving you access to a multi-billion euro market of 500 million consumers.

Fill out the Application form, and we will help you succeed in the international EU market.

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