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Declaration of conformity to technical regulations

Declaration of conformity to technical regulations - a document drawn up by the manufacturer or authorized representative, which may be any natural or legal person - resident of Ukraine, who received a written order from the manufacturer to act on its behalf in relation to certain tasks , guaranteeing the quality of goods, respectively with the norms established by the law.

Declaration of conformity sample.jpg

Law of Ukraine of June 6, 2019 N 2740-VIII "On technical regulations and conformity assessment"  regulates the relations arising in connection with the development and adoption of technical regulations and their conformity assessment procedures, their application to products placed on the market, placed on the market or put into operation, and in cases specified in part two of Article 11 of this Of the Law - is in operation in Ukraine, as well as the implementation of voluntary conformity assessment.

A technical regulation is a legal act that defines the characteristics of products or related processes and production methods, including the relevant administrative provisions, compliance with which is mandatory. It may also include or relate exclusively to requirements for terminology, marking, packaging, marking or labeling to the extent that they apply to the product, process or method of production.

The objectives of the technical regulations are to protect the lives and health of humans, animals and plants, protect the environment and natural resources, ensure energy efficiency, protect property, ensure national security and prevent business practices that mislead the consumer (user).

Technical regulations are approved by laws, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the relevant state bodies and ministries, defined by part three of Article 8 of the Law.

Conformity assessment of the requirements of technical regulations is carried out in cases and by applying the conformity assessment procedures specified in such technical regulations.

Manufacturers and other persons (in cases where according to the relevant technical regulations the responsibilities of manufacturers are assigned to importers, distributors or other persons), apply the procedures for assessing compliance with the requirements of technical regulations independently, and in cases specified in technical regulations or procedures conformity assessment - with the involvement of relevant conformity assessment bodies.

In the cases specified in the technical regulations, which provide for the application of conformity assessment procedures, the manufacturer or his authorized representative (on behalf and under the responsibility of the manufacturer) must draw up a declaration of conformity. The declaration of conformity states that compliance with the requirements set out in the relevant technical regulations has been demonstrated. The declaration of conformity shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements for its content, indicative structure or form established by the relevant technical regulations.

By drawing up a declaration of conformity, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for the conformity of the product with the requirements laid down in the relevant technical regulations.


In the cases specified in the technical regulations, the products and / or other objects specified in such technical regulations (plate with technical data, packaging, accompanying documents, etc.) must be marked with the mark of compliance with the technical regulations. The application of the mark of conformity to technical regulations on products is also the application of this mark on any object other than the product itself in accordance with the rules and conditions of application of the specified mark.

The manufacturer, by affixing the mark of conformity to the technical regulations by himself or his authorized representative, indicates that he assumes responsibility for the conformity of the product with all applicable requirements specified in the relevant technical regulations, which provide for the mark of conformity with the technical regulations.

Registration of declarations on confirmation of conformity of production to requirements of technical regulations is carried out by conformity assessment body on a voluntary basis at the request of applicants.

The cost of declaration of conformity services depends on various factors, and in particular on the number of tests required to assess conformity. To calculate the cost of providing methodological assistance in compiling the Declaration of Conformity to Technical Regulations, you must submit an Application, providing the following information and adding the following basic documents:

1.     Product name, its purpose and UKTZED / DKPP code.

2.     Manufacturer and address of production facilities.

3.     The composition of the tool / recipe, TU or DSTU.

4.     ISO quality management system certificate (if available).

5.     Certificate of quality for products.

6.     Conclusion of sanitary-epidemiological examination .

7.     Security passport.

8.     Product label or technical passport.

9.     Sample.
Term of receipt from 3 working days.

Order the Declaration of conformity to technical regulations

The list of documents for assessing compliance with technical regulations may vary depending on the requirements of specific technical regulations.

Register of technical regulations:

  • Technical regulations for construction products, buildings and structures 

  • Technical regulations for detergents 

  • Technical regulations for machine safety 

  • Technical regulations for safety of railway transport infrastructure 

  • Technical regulations for toy safety 

  • Technical regulations for personal protective equipment 

  • Technical regulations for medical devices 

  • Technical regulations for medical devices for in vitro laboratory diagnostics 

  • Technical regulations for active implantable medical devices 

  • Technical regulations for mobile equipment operating under pressure

  • Technical regulations for pressure equipment 

  • Technical regulations for low-voltage electrical equipment 

  • Technical regulations on electromagnetic compatibility of equipment 

  • Technical regulations for cosmetic products  Entry into force will take place on 03.08.2022.

  • Technical regulations on packaging kits for storage and disposal of radioactive waste

  • Technical regulations of marine equipment 

  • Technical regulations for closed sources of ionizing radiation 

  • Technical regulations for confirming the conformity of packaging (packaging materials) and packaging waste 

  • Technical regulations for hot water boilers running on liquid or gaseous fuel 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for household refrigeration appliances

  • Technical regulations for appliances running on gaseous fuel 

  • Technical regulations for the names of textile fibers and the corresponding labeling and marking of the content of the components of the raw material composition of textile products 

  • Technical regulations of cableways

  • Technical regulations for safety and health signs of employees 

  • Technical regulations for the labeling of materials used for the manufacture of the main components of footwear, which is sold to the consumer

  • Technical regulations for pyrotechnic articles  - Repeal, will take place on 14.01.2022 

  • Technical regulations for pleasure boats 

  • Technical regulations for type approval of agricultural and forestry tractors, their trailers and replaceable trailers, systems, components and individual technical units 

  • Technical regulations on components and characteristics of wheeled agricultural and forestry tractors 

  • The procedure for approval of the design of vehicles, their parts and equipment and the Procedure for maintaining a register of certificates of type of vehicles and equipment and certificates of conformity of vehicles or equipment issued by manufacturers 

  • Technical regulations on requirements for motor gasoline, diesel, marine and boiler fuels 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of energy consumer products 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of household electric refrigerators 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of household washing machines 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of electric lamps and fixtures 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of household dishwashers 

  • Technical regulations for bottles used as measuring containers 

  • Technical regulations for some goods that are packaged by weight and volume in the finished package 

  • Technical regulations for non-automatic weighing instruments 

  • Technical regulations for safety of rolling stock of railway transport 

  • Technical regulations of legally regulated measuring equipment 

  • Technical regulations for measuring equipment 

  • Requirements for cocoa and chocolate products 

  • Technical regulations for simple high pressure vessels 

  • Technical regulations for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres 

  • Technical regulations restricting the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment 

  • Technical regulations of radio equipment 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of TVs 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of air conditioners 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of household tumble dryers 

  • Technical regulations for elevators and elevator safety components 

  • Metrological requirements for packaged goods 

  • Requirements for types of sugars intended for human consumption - Entry into force, will take place on 01.09.2022   

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of household ovens and kitchen hoods 

  • Rules of production of cognacs of Ukraine 

  • Technical regulations for industrial explosives 

  • Technical regulations for the establishment of a system for determining the ecodesign requirements for energy products 

  • Technical regulations for limiting emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in paints and varnishes for buildings and repair of wheeled vehicles 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for the consumption of electricity by external power supplies in the no-load mode and their average efficiency in the active mode 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for fans with a motor with a rated electrical power of 125 W to 500 kW

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for small, medium and large power transformers 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for oil-free autonomous circulation pumps and oil-free circulation pumps integrated in the device 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for water pumps 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for vacuum cleaners 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for simple digital television receivers 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for directional lamps, LED lamps and related equipment 

  • Section 2 Instructions on the implementation of the state expert-test control over the quality of jewelry and household products made of precious metals

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for household tumble driers

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of water heaters, battery tanks and kits for water heaters and solar equipment 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for air conditioners and fans for personal comfort 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for electricity consumption by electrical and electronic household and office equipment in the "standby", "off" mode and the "standby" network mode 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for computers and computer servers 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for household washing machines 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for non-directional household lamps 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for household dishwashers 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for televisions 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for water heaters and storage tanks

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast, high intensity discharge lamps, as well as ballasts and luminaires designed to work with such lamps 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for household ovens, hobs and range hoods 

  • Requirements for honey 

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for space heaters and combined heaters

  • Technical regulations for noise radiation into the environment from equipment used outdoors 

  • Technical regulations on requirements for liquefied gas for road transport, communal consumption and industrial purposes - Entry into force, will take place on November 5, 2021.

  • Technical regulations for cryptographic information security  Entry into force, will take place on 01.01.2022

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of solid fuel boilers, solid fuel boiler kits, additional heaters, temperature controllers and solar installations 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of professional refrigerated storage cabinets 

  • Technical regulations  energy labeling of local heaters Entry into force will take place on 28.12.2021

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of room heaters, combined heaters, sets of room heaters, temperature controller and solar installation and sets of combined heater, temperature controller and solar installation 

  • Technical regulations for energy labeling of ventilation systems for residential premises  Entry into force will take place on August 26, 2021.

  • Technical regulations on ecodesign requirements for electric motors

  • Technical regulations restricting the use of lead in paints and raw materials

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