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Eurotechstandard has been successfully operating in the Ukrainian market for many years in the field of product certification and conformity assessment services, and carries out product certification works for the European Union market.

We help our clients to analyze the documentation for the necessary certification procedures, perform all necessary procedures for obtaining permits and necessary certificates, register the necessary documents and products, conduct metrological assessment, test products in accredited laboratories and much more.

Over the years of our work on behalf of thousands of customers, we have carried out product certification procedures. The vast majority of customers are satisfied with the results of cooperation and continue to work with us on an ongoing basis.

We are ready to share our experience and regularly update the information in the " Knowledge Base " section, as well as share news in the field of product certification on the " Blog " page. We will be glad if you join the discussion of urgent topics and painful issues.

We work for the sake of our customers (domestic or foreign manufacturers, importers and Retail networks) to access the market products that meet all standards and requirements of applicable law.

Due to our experience and stable connections, we choose the best way to obtain permits for products of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

We value our customers and strive to find an individual approach to each, taking into account the specifics of each business.

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