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Be safe baby food!

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Improving the safety and quality of baby food is possible by improving legislation. In the first reading, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Bill 145148, which restricts the use of palm oils in baby food. Thus the responsibility of legal entities for violation of the law is defined in the amount of 150 thousand UAH.

According to experts from the World Health Organization, the use of palm oil leads to obesity and the development of chronic diseases on a global scale, and its production is harmful to nature. The WHO estimates that 500,000 people worldwide die each year from cardiovascular disease, which has developed due to excessive consumption of trans fats.

Palm oil is a leader in the production of semi-finished and finished products, is found in solid vegetable fats such as margarine and ghee, confectionery, and is often present in light snacks, pastries, deep fryers and other fried products.

The adopted bill will improve the quality of food, reduce morbidity and harmonize Ukrainian legislation in the field of baby food with the requirements of the legislation of the Member States of the European Union.

The bill provides for the following changes:

- it is forbidden to use palm oil along with other fats and proteins of non-dairy origin in the production of traditional dairy products;

- it is forbidden to use hydrogenated palm oil, hydrogenated vegetable fats, sesame and linseed oils, gluten, as well as ingredients produced with the use of pesticides in the production of baby food;

- it is forbidden to use hydrogenated palm oil, dried dairy products with the addition of hydrogenated vegetable fats in the production of baby food and traditional foods, confectionery, including cocoa, chocolate and products containing chocolate, ice cream;

- the maximum content of trans fatty acids in food is set;

- liability is established for offering for sale or sale of food or feed containing substances and / or ingredients prohibited by law (for such violation provides for the imposition of a fine on legal entities in the amount of forty minimum wages, on natural persons - entrepreneurs - in the amount of twenty five minimum wages (as of 2021 it is 240,000 and 150,000 hryvnias);

- the features of labeling of food products that contain, are composed or produced with the use of palm oil or do not contain, do not contain or produced without the use of palm oil are established.

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