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ETS Certification

Amendments to paragraph 20 of the Technical Regulations on Detergents regarding the SES conclusion

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolved to amend paragraph 20 of the Technical Regulations on Detergents approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 717 dated August 20, 2008 (Official Journal of Ukraine, 2008, No. 63, p. 2128; 2013, No. 45, p. 1600) by excluding the third paragraph.

In other words, the list of the technical documentation provided by business entities to prove compliance of detergents with the established requirements excludes the conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological examination. The relevant resolution was adopted at a government meeting on August 19, 2023.

We can state the gradual regulation of legislation in connection with the entry into force on October 1, 2023 of the LAW OF UKRAINE "On the Public Health System" No. 2573-IX, adopted on September 06, 2022.

At the same time, we hope that all other regulatory documents requiring the state sanitary and epidemiological examination conclusions will also be regulated.

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