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ETS Certification

YouTube stream on April 30, 2024 at 16-00 for manufacturers and importers of cosmetics

We invite manufacturers and importers of cosmetic products to join our first online stream

on👉 YouTube

On April 30, 2024, at 16:00, the event will be held on the topic "What awaits manufacturers and importers of cosmetics from August 2024 with the entry into force of the technical regulation".

When the requirements of the technical regulation for cosmetic products come into force, it will open up new prospects and challenges for all market participants.

All manufacturers and importers will have to undergo safety assessments and notifications to stay on the market and be able to sell their products in Ukraine.

How to cope in time and optimize the financial burden associated with safety assessment and notification in general?

We talk about all this on the stream.

We will review the most important aspects of the upcoming changes and share practical advice and answers to your questions with Oleksandr Kostrubitskyi.

Join our online broadcast to be ready for the new stage of development of the cosmetics industry and ensure the success of your business!



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